lunes, 31 de enero de 2011



An applicant: a person who  applies for a job or a place on a course.

A candidate: a person who enters an exam.

Marks: theachers give these to students after assessing their work.They are ususally a percentage, or a grade like A, B or C.

An NGO: non governmental organizations.

A CV: a document wich gives personal imformation about a person to give to a prospective    employer.

Training: the kind of education wich is geared towards the world of work.

A degree: a course that you follow at university to optain a graduate qualification.

School leavers: the children who leave the school for many reason.

Public spending: the money that the government spend for the society.

Economic climate:Degree of risk associated with the investments on the markets of financial products.

Work experience: knowledge that has a person of his job.

Voluntary work: is a job that you do to help without receiving money.

Distance course: is a course that do you in the foreigne.

Job market: Market where there come together the demand and the offer of work

A-level grades: grades that you obtain in your last year in the high school.

Degree course: A course that is required as part of a learner's work to earn a college or university degree.

1 comentario:

  1. Your blog is really god. Well done! Things you must revise to make it even better:
    - Find a better image for MARKS.
    - Check spelling in degree definition.
    Check definitions of:
    - School leavers.
    - Work experience.
    - Distance course.
